PRAYER TEAMDo you love to pray for others? Sign up to receive an email when there's a prayer request. Contact Donna Wallace.
Worried about something and want to submit a prayer request? We'd be honored to join with you in prayer. PRAYER QUILTSWe have a wonderful team of people who love to create quilts for those in crisis. Request a quilt for someone you love. A quilt requested one week will be ready the next. We invite you to pick up the quilt and deliver it in a timely manner.
WEDDINGSFUNERALSMarysville UMC is available for funerals and memorial services and your pastor is ready to assist you in planning these services and supporting you during the loss of a loved one. Contact the church office to make arrangements.
COUNSELINGYour pastor is available for short term and crisis counseling when the need arises. She will also help refer you to other counselors when it is appropriate.
HOSPITAL VISITATIONOur pastor and leaders love to share life with the people of Marysville UMC and are honored to provide pastoral support during the joys and challenges of life. If you or someone in your family has a prayer request, is having surgery, admitted to the hospital or in need of pastoral care, please email the office at [email protected] or call the church office at 360-659-8521.