Camp Sunday, February 23
Our United Methodist Camps are an essential part of our faith life. Many of us, from our youth to our adult years, have gone to camp to experience the gift of God's creation, feel the presence of God, and enjoy special time with friends. In a time of rapid change for the Church, it is more important than ever that we do not take our United Methodist Camps for granted. To help us celebrate Camp Sunday on February 23, please send a picture of you or your children at church camp to the office! We'll show the pictures in worship and celebrate generations of faith formation through camp! Connecting Conversations: Addictions, February 23
Our next Connecting Conversations topic is Addictions. From alcohol and drugs to eating disorders, exercise and scrolling on our phones, addictions are present in all forms. Join us right after second service on February 23rd and listen to stories about overcoming addictions and the journey to recovery. Please contact Barbara Warren, Barbara Hay or Pastor Meredith if you'd like more information. Ladies Community Chat
An opportunity for women immigrants, from any country, to meet with other women volunteers to practice conversational English. This is a relaxed gathering with coffee, tea and cookies. This will be for women only. If we find we have a need for free childcare, we will add that service to the program.We meet on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays from 10:30-11:30 am and goes to May 20, 2025. Please share with families you many know. "Ask Melinda Anything" Parenting Group - We're hosting a drop-in group to discuss any parenting questions you may have on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, from noon - 12:45p, in person at MUMC or join online. Our host is Melinda Moats, LMHC, a child and family therapist and parenting coach for over thirty years. There is no cost. Begins February 11 and goes to May 20, 2025.
Ash Wednesday Soup Dinner & Worship, March 5
Ash Wednesday is the start of the season of Lent, and the day that Christians begin a season of prayer, self-reflection, and fasting. We will begin this season together with a soup dinner at 6:30 pm and then move to our Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, March 5th in the sanctuary. We will have music, a message, and an invitation to a season of spiritual discipline. Fasting might not sound like your cup of tea, but it’s about much more than just not eating. Please consider joining us for a time of reflection, prayer, and beautiful music. |