INFANTS & TODDLERSAll children are welcome in our worship services. We want you to feel comfortable in bringing your young children to church with you so we give you several options to choose from:
1. Drop off your children in the Nursery before service begins. 2. Keep your children with you through Children's Time, then bring to Nursery. 3. Keep your children with you for the entire worship service. Infants and toddlers up to age 3 are cared for in room 113/114. Greeters will show you where these rooms are located. Please sign your child in. Children are invited to participate in fun, age-focused play. Our nursery and toddler care givers are fully trained and have received background checks according to our Safe Church policy. There is infant and toddler care available at all of our services and daytime and evening meetings, Bible Studies, and other church events.
Infant & Toddler Playgroup meets Mondays from 10:30-11:45am in the church nursery. Kids can play and parents can chat. Contact Kate Kilroy
UMC Discipline Policy:
If a volunteer has a conflict with any child it will be brought to the Staff person. The parents will be notified. If the conflict continues, the parents will be asked to be in the class with the child until problems are resolved. Communion Info: We encourage communion to be with the family. On the first Sunday of the month, Sunday School teachers will bring children and youth to the sanctuary for communion. Your child's teacher will inform you if class will resume after communion or if your child will remain in church with you for the remainder of the service. Nut Free Environment: We are a nut free environment. Volunteers check snacks for known peanut and nut ingredients and they are not served to children. Have a little one with a serious allergy? Talk with Becky. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL |
CONTACT Becky Dickinson Becky is our Director of
Facilities & Programming. She loves kids and their families! You'll see her in the hallways on a Sunday morning. Got a question? Ask away! SUNDAY SCHOOLOur goal is that our children be loved, valued, and nurtured in their faith. Sunday School Classes are taught by our Faith Educators who are required to comply with our Safe Church Policy.
Parents are always welcome to observe their child’s class. If you would consider teaching or assisting, please contact Becky for more information.